{United Methodist Church of NJ Conference}

© 2015 Shari DeAngelo

Planning a worship service is far more than just choosing songs and seasonal images. Helping people to genuinely worship God requires creating an experience through which people can enter into the presence of the divine. The following is a list of websites that provide pastors and worship leaders with quality music, liturgy, and preaching resources for faithful and vital local church worship.

Worship Troubleshooting

Director of Worship, Lan Wilson is offering 15 minute sessions of online worship troubleshooting. Please put your issue and questions in the request.

Worship Music Resources

Liturgy and Text Resources

Blogs and Online Resources

Preaching Books

Communicating for a Change, Andy Stanley
Preaching, Timothy Keller

Worship Planning Books

The Worship Architect, Constance Cherry
You Are What You Love, James K. A. Smith
Redesigning Worship, Kim Miller
Think Like a Filmmaker, Marsha McFee

Copyright Resources

Other Worship Resources

Worship related Facebook groups sponsored by the United Methodist Church

  • UMC Worship

    UMC Worship

    This group focuses primarily on planning and leading worship in The United Methodist Church. Conversations here will often also include United Methodist theology of worship, including our sacramental theology and practice.

  • UMC Music

    UMC Music

    This group focuses primarily on planning and leading music in worship in the United Methodist Church. Conversations include hymns theology, suggestions and articles of interest.

  • UMC Preacher

    UMC Preacher

    This group focuses primarily on resources, ideas and issues related to preaching in The United Methodist Church. Conversations here will often also include United Methodist theology of worship.