Showing 21 - 30 of 617
  1. Supporting Black Lives, Just a Phone Call Away: 888-300-8105

  2. Email/Mail/Phone Fraud

  3. Essential Actions and Updates for July 28

  4. Episcopal Address | Special Session, October 26, 2019

  5. Technology Resources

  6. Apply for Peace with Justice Grants by July 15

  7. Doing God’s Work by Feeding the Hungry in Bridgeton

  8. Greater NJ Annual Conference for the UMC {2017}

©2017 Shari DeAngelo

    Message from Bishop Schol | A Hard Fought Hope: A healing and a thriving GNJ during COVID-19

  9. Jurisdictions advised to elect 14 U.S. bishops

  10. Boy Scouts of America FAQs