Showing 841 - 850 of 1095
  1. Notice of Passing: Mildred Ann Peterson, Spouse of Retired Elder, Rev. James Peterson

  2. Message from Bishop Schol | GNJ Appointments, Retirements and Open Churches

  3. Notice of Passing: John Hutchinson, Spouse of Rev. Joan D. Hutchinson

  4. Developing Fearless Leaders to Take the Journey Together

  5. Notice of Passing: George Peter Fischer, Retired Full Elder

  6. Notice of Passing: Jo D. Malessa, Former Lay Member

  7. Whatever you do, be an inspiration. And watch for the miracles.  

  8. Relationships built on learning and serving together

  9. Developing Fearless Leaders to Take the Journey Together 

  10. Notice of Passing: Paula Andrea Blackman, Former Lay Member to Conference