Showing 141 - 150 of 161
  1. The New Discipline: The Introduction

  2. Oasis Receives $25,000 Grant

  3. Greater NJ Annual Conference for the UMC {2017}

©2017 Shari DeAngelo

    Message from Bishop Schol | Jersey City

  4. Graceful Conversations

  5. A Wave of Hope Leads to Majority Saying Yes to Way Forward Plan

  6. Leading by Example: Leaders Use Laity Academy to Spur $250,000 Campaign in Hightstown

  7. Ashes: Discrimination

  8. Rooted (GNJUMC Annual Conference 2019)

    Message from Bishop Schol | New Law

  9. Rooted (GNJUMC Annual Conference 2019)

    Rooted: 2019 Episcopal Address to the 2019 Annual Conference Session of Greater New Jersey United Methodists

  10. Hurricane Preparedness