SPRC Chairs can access the Clergy Appraisal Form in Arena, using the ID they received. If you have any issues accessing the form, please contact Nicola Mulligan at nmulligan@gnjumc.org.

At GNJ we are committed to work with every pastor and every church that desires to grow its mission and vitality.

The clergy appraisal is to provide pastors with feedback about their leadership and progress. The clergy appraisal is done outside clergy appointments and salary reviews because it is to be focused on providing the pastor with what she/he is doing well and areas for growth. This appraisal is to be completed without the pastor present and then shared with the pastor once consensus has been achieve. The following congregations are excused from completing the appraisal: pastors who are moving July 1 and congregations who completed this evaluation within the last four months.

Each year at this time every congregation engages in a conversation with their pastors about what is going well, areas for further development, and expectations for the next 12 months.

The appraisal will shape the future vitality and ministry of the congregation and assist your pastor’s development as a leader. Engaging in the survey and conversation prayerfully and honestly allows for the best results for your pastor, the congregation and the mission.

If your church is on a charge with one or more other congregations, the pastor and staff parish chair (s) together are to determine if the congregations should work together to complete one appraisal or if it is more appropriate for individual appraisals.

Associate pastors are to be appraised using this form. This is conducted by the lead pastor in consultation with the SPRC.