Series Overview
The heart of worship is celebration! We celebrate who God is, what God has done for us in Jesus, and the new Spirit-filled lives we get to live because of it. By taking the time to celebrate God’s gifts to us — gifts of diversity, unity, promise, and new life – we are attuning ourselves to the good things in life, so that, even in times of struggle and hardship, we can be sustained. Designed for Summer/After Pentecost.
GNJ Clergy Team, Facilitator Gabby Corbet
Celebrate | Sermon Series
Week 1: Celebrate Diversity | 1 Corinthians 12:12-20
As the body of Christ, we are called to celebrate the diverse ways God is reflected in each and every person.
Week 2: Celebrate Unity| Ephesians 4:1-16
Celebrate that unity does not mean uniformity! Our diversity is knit together in the unity of faith, as we grow into Christ.
Week 3: Celebrate Promise | Romans 4:3;13-25
Embrace God’s calling for you, believe that God will do what God promises, and take courageous action in your life.
Week 4: Celebrate New Life | Mark 5:35-43
Celebrating new life is about embracing how God transforms us to thrive and experience joy.
Celebrate | Sermon Series
- Celebrate Series Overview – Word | pdf
- Celebrate Worship Resource – Word | pdf
- Celebrate Preaching Resource – Word | pdf
- Celebrate Small Group Resource – Word| pdf
- Celebrate Invite postcards – Use this Template
- Celebrate Bulletin – Use this template (Can also be printed in black and white by updating your printer settings)
Postcards can be printed directly from Canva. They are also sized to be included in a Word document and printed 4-up. We also recommend using an online printer such as Uprinting.
Motion Graphic