Showing 1251 - 1260 of 1477
  1. PurpleTheory

  2. Answering the Call for Help at Asbury UMC

  3. Notice of Passing: Mrs. Jane Schopp, Surviving Spouse of Edgar Schopp

  4. At EPA camps ‘tis the season for discovering faith, beauty and much more

  5. Essential Actions and Updates for Oct 27

  6. Ezra Shim receives GNJ Francis Nelson Scholarship

  7. Courageous

  8. GNJUMC Annual Conference 2023

    GNJ Annual Conference encouraged to have faith in Possibility

  9. Greater NJ Annual Conference for the UMC {2017}

©2017 Shari DeAngelo

    A Message from the Cabinet about the Election

  10. I See You