New Superintendent Search

November 8, 2016 | GNJ News

The Greater New Jersey Cabinet has been working with Bishop Schol to identify a new superintendent for the Delaware Bay District. Former superintendent, Rev. Dr. Jisun Kwak, is on involuntary leave of absence.

Rev. Kwak, following a hearing with the Conference Relations Committee, was placed on involuntary leave of absence by the Board of Ordained Ministry Executive Committee. Rev. Kwak was suspended from ministry in June and when a just resolution could not be achieved, the cabinet recommended Rev. Kwak be placed on involuntary leave of absence. The complaint has also been referred to the Council for the Church who will prepare the complaint for a trial.

In selecting a new superintendent, Bishop Schol solicited input from the Delaware Bay Superintendency Committee. He will use the more than 60 names that laity and clergy from across GNJ submitted when he was considering a new superintendent for the Palisades District which resulted in the appointment of Gina Kim.

Bishop Schol asks you to pray for Rev. Kwak. He also asks for your prayers as he and the cabinet work together to appoint a new district superintendent.