Embracing Our Limits

November 10, 2020 | | Deepen Faith

[derived from 40 Days of Prayer on Nov. 9]

Over the past seven months, there has been a great deal of pain in our world. Along with this hurt there has also been a great disruption that has impacted individual lives as well as the world around us. Amid these challenging times, I am reminded of the importance of embracing my limits.

In many ways, our world and lives are being pushed to the limit during this difficult season. Families are virtual schooling children while fulfilling job responsibilities; healthcare professionals are working tirelessly to help the sick; many others are attempting to go about every day with all new sets of challenges. We are all working to navigate the complexities of a world that has changed drastically in the last seven months.

In John 3:22-30, John the Baptist was baptizing people when his disciples raise a concern over Jesus. They state that, “here he is baptizing, and all are going to him” (vs. 26b). John’s followers appear concerned that people are beginning to go to Jesus instead of John. Instead of becoming defensive, John is rooted in his call and recognizes that he is not the Messiah but is called to point people to the Messiah. Ultimately, he makes a profound statement by saying, “He must increase, but I must decrease” (vs. 30).

John recognized that he was not the Messiah and could not do what the Messiah would do. But he could point people to the Jesus the Messiah and that is exactly what he did. It is never easy to embrace my limits as a pastor, husband, and dad. In a season though, where there is so much beyond my understanding or ability, I find that being rooted in the calling God has on my life enables me to embrace my own limits while pointing people to Jesus.

As we continue to navigate the challenging times we are in, may we recognize and embrace our limits, stay faithful to God’s call, and point people to Jesus.

Gracious God, thank you for your sustaining grace in this and every season. We humbly ask for your help to embrace the limits of this current season, to stay faithful to our call, and to point people to your son Jesus Christ in whose name we pray, Amen.