Are you a high school student interested in exploring your purpose or a call to ministry in the Church?
Do you ever wonder if God calls people to ministries OUTSIDE of the Church?

Is your church or organization looking to host a summer internship?
Do you want to teach valuable leadership skills to the next generation?

The Cultivate High School and College Summer Internship experience may be for you!

Cultivate is a leadership opportunity open to GNJ & EPA high school and college students, where students are given a 8-week opportunity to explore ministry in church settings, camps, disaster relief efforts, community organizing, and more.

This summer, Mosaic Ministries is partnering to host Cultivate: A Summer of Exploration, a unique internship opportunity for high school and college aged students to gain hands on experience in leadership while exploring the calling that God has placed on their life. Students will also get the opportunity to connect regularly with fellow student interns, attend Cultivate Internship sponsored gatherings, engage in a process of reflection about their internships with peers and facilitators, and experience mentorship from the pastor at their local church.

  • Cultivate High students (having completed sophomore year and beyond) receive the opportunity to serve as an intern for 8 weeks (8-10 hours/week), at their local church or a local UMC partnered non-profit organization, where they will be paid a stipend of $1500.
  • Cultivate College students receive the opportunity to serve as an intern for 8 weeks (15-20 hours/week), at their local church or a local UMC partnered non-profit organization, where they will be paid a stipend of $2500.

** EPA&GNJ and Mosaic Ministries will fund half of each Cultivate student’s stipend. The supervising site is invited to pay the remainder of the stipend cost.

Participation Requirements

All Cultivate students will be asked to commit to the following upon acceptance into the summer program:

  • Internships will begin on Mid-June through Mid-August
  • Regular attendance and follow through on assigned responsibilities at your ministry site
  • Weekly 1-hour meetings with your mentor/supervisor at your ministry site
  • Participation at our Welcome & Farewell in-person gatherings to celebrate new friendships, accomplishments, and new things learned together
  • Participation in (6) 1-hour online gatherings with Mosiac Ministries leaders to talk together about what you are learning about yourself, ministry, and where God might be calling you

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