Sao Paulo, Brazil, January 09, 2009. Man evangelical preacher explains God's Word in Se Square in downtown Sao Paulo

As a nucleus for providing leadership and resources, the Board of Discipleship is at the heart of a United Methodist’s spiritual growth. They provide spiritual food for every stage of the Christian journey.

The agency connects leaders with needed resourcing, training, consulting, and networking that support spiritual formation, new church development, revitalization of local churches, and materials for use in Central Conferences. GBOD has embarked upon an integrated, strategic direction that serves the church with continuity, based upon basic values and mission. Learn more here.

Board of Discipleship

The GNJ Board of Discipleship supports the local church ministries of receiving, nurturing and caring. The board uplifts the areas of Christian education, worship, music, evangelism, small-group ministries, devotional life, spiritual formation, and other areas related to the lives of people, church leaders, and the ministries of congregations. The GNJ Board of Discipleship recognizes clergy, congregations and youth for excellence through the Denman Award and One Matters Award.

The Harry Denman Evangelism Award for Clergy, Laity, and Youth

The Harry Denman Evangelism Awards honor United Methodists whose exceptional ministry of evangelism brings people into a life transforming relationship with Jesus Christ every year. To learn more about the award go to the Foundation for Evangelism.

One Matters Award to Encourage Baptisms and Professions of Faith

Annual conferences are being encouraged to renew their focus on discipleship, especially at congregations in the United Methodist connection where annual baptisms and professions of faith too often are nonexistent, by honoring churches with the new One Matters Discipleship Award.

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