Our Way Forward Covenant – The GNJ District Superintendents

The District Superintendents of the GNJ are a theologically diverse team that seeks to model what it means to live in community and to carry out our mandate as the church to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

As congregations and clergy seek to understand their ministry with the LGBTQ community, we covenant to:

  • Focus our efforts to resource pastors and congregations to THRIVE in the mission field.
  • Work with each pastor and congregation, realizing our diversity—culturally, ethnically and    theologically—so that all may minister with integrity in each unique context and from a sense of calling from our Wesleyan heritage.
  • Appoint pastors that align with the congregation’s understanding of themselves and their ministry.
  • Use congregational and clergy advisory forms and congregational covenants to appoint clergy to align appointments with the beliefs and needs of a congregation and pastor.

As we do this important work, we commit to:

  1. Guide our clergy and congregations to stay focused on the mission and GNJ strategic plan and goals.
  2. Respect congregations and clergy in their convictions.
  3. Give attention to the complexities of culture and ethnicity when discerning matters of human sexuality in making appointments.
  4. Resource pastors and congregations to grow in intercultural competency.
  5. Work for faith, hope, love and justice for all with courage and joy.