“It is done,” wrote the Dawn Taylor-Storm on her Facebook page at 6:23 p.m. on May 3. The United Methodist Church’s 2020/2024 General Conference had just adjourned—as undoubtedly one of its most historic and consequential legislative assemblies ever. Taylor-Storm is Connectional Ministries Director of the Eastern PA Conference and Assistant to the Bishop of both the EPA and Greater New Jersey conferences. She continued:
May our legislation be reflected in our living.
May our holy conferencing create pathways for holy communities.
May our disagreements find expression in prayerful discussion.
May the words we speak come to embodiment in the work we do.
If you watched the General Conference livestream video from gavel to gavel, or read daily articles, social media posts, wrap up summaries and panel discussion articles, then you may have consumed and learned enough—maybe more than enough. And you may have good, comprehensive knowledge and understanding of all that happened there.
If that’s the case, then read no further. But if you want or need to know and understand more, then take time to peruse these articles from UM News Service, which covered our denomination’s chief legislative assembly.
General Conference stories archived
Over the course of the April 23-May 3 United Methodist General Conference, UM News posted dozens of stories in a variety of languages. All of UM News’ General Conference reports can be accessed on one main page. View archive
A look at General Conference’s major actions
United Methodist Communications staff has compiled an overview of some of the major legislative actions taken by the recently completed General Conference. Read recap
Videos of EPA & GNJ delegates’ reactions
Also, view our brief but thoughtful video interviews with EPA & GNJ delegates during the second week of General Conference, using our full playlists for EPA delegates and GNJ delegates. If you haven’t yet, be sure to view at least the two wrap-up videos with final thoughts from our delegation leaders:
May 4 EPA’s General Conference Wrap up, Dawn & Judy, (youtube.com)
May 4 GNJ General Conference Wrap up, Bethany & Drew (youtube.com)
Four EPA&GNJ members elected to UMC judicial and administrative bodies:

Harriett Jane Olson
Harriett Jane Olson, of the Greater New Jersey Conference, was one of nine members elected to the Judicial Council, The United Methodist Church’s version of the Supreme Court, for the 2024-28 quadrennium. The Rev. Dennis Blackwell, a Greater New Jersey Conference clergy member, retires from the council after two terms.
Several other EPA&GNJ members were elected to UMC general commissions (Read story). Among them:
Commission on the General Conference: The Rev. Dawn Taylor-Storm, Class of 2028 (EPA); and the Rev. Lydia Muñoz, Class of 2032 (EPA)
General Council on Finance and Administration: The Rev. William Williams (GNJ)
Post-General Conference Resources for Clergy
Bishop John Schol sent a letter to pastors on Saturday, May 4, urging them to faithfully and factually communicate key outcomes of the just-ended General Conference, while listening to their church members and offering pastoral support and leadership.
“We will support you over the coming months with information that helps you lead congregations and ministry,” he wrote, as he offered UMC resources “to best help you communicate and lead in your respective contexts”:
- Discover Key Outcomes of the Historic 2024 General Conference https://www.resourceumc.org/en/content/general-conference-legislative-recap
- Talk to your congregation about the mission and ministry of The UMC https://www.resourceumc.org/en/content/talking-to-your-congregation-about-general-conference-2020
- Video overview: Experience General Conference and share it with others https://www.resourceumc.org/en/content/wrap-up-video-general-conference-2020
“Overall, this General Conference was marked by a spirit of peace and reconciliation, unlike any we have seen in over fifty years,” the bishop wrote.