Stars for Charity: Church uses auctioned art to feed hungry neighbors

December 5, 2023 | | GNJ News

New Dover United Methodist Church in Edison, NJ, hopes supporters of its anti-hunger ministry will reach for the stars…literally.

The actively missional church, which celebrated 175 years in October, is waging its third annual Stars for Charity benefit auction, in which donors bid on uniquely decorative, star-shaped ornaments for purchase. Many of the more than 100 collectible objets d’art­—created from 5-inch pieces of wood—are designed, illustrated and donated by renowned artists, such as Bill Bunting, Al Barker and Yun Li. But all the stars are stunning in their vivid artistry.

“We raised over $3,000 from own in-house auction of acclaimed artists’ stars on Sunday (December 3),” reported the Rev. Eun Young “Rosie” Pang, associate pastor. “And we are accepting biddings up to the last day on eBay.

The auction ends on Sunday, December 10. Supporters can bid on Stars for Charity through the church’s eBay site, (, which shows average prices at about $25.

“When Bill Bunting came to me three years ago with the idea for Stars for Charity, my response was simply, ‘Great idea; now run with it!’” said the Rev. Chuck Coblentz, lead pastor. “And that is exactly what he has done ever since. ‘Stars’ effectively transforms the artistic gifts of the church into the concrete food mission of our ‘Bread Breakers’ ministry.”

“Each dollar raised will help provide 10 meals,” said Pang. “And for a limited time, donations will be matched; so, bids now are twice as powerful! Please help us as we feed the hungry.”

The church wants to double the 60,000 people it fed from last year’s auction. The funds go to support the church’s Bread Bakers ministry and Feeding America, a network of local food banks and pantries and meal programs.