NEJ College of Bishops Plan for Episcopal Supervision

May 27, 2020 | GNJ News

The College of Bishops announces the plan for episcopal supervision for the Northeastern Jurisdiction until the 2021 postponed session of Jurisdictional Conference. This plan was developed in consultation and dialogue with the NEJ Committee on Episcopacy and the Council of Bishops have approved the plans.

The assignments for the jurisdiction are:
1. Greater New Jersey – Bishop John Schol
2. Harrisburg – Bishop Jeremiah Park (postponing retirement)
3. New England – Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar (postponing retirement)
4. New York – Bishop Thomas Bickerton
5. Philadelphia Area – Bishop Peggy Johnson (continuing beyond 12 years)
6. Pittsburgh – Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi
7. Upper New York – Bishop Mark Webb
8. Washington Area – Bishop LaTrelle Easterling
9. West Virginia – Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball
The current NEJ Committee on Episcopacy will continue to work with the College of Bishops to support the episcopal leaders and the conferences they serve.