Dear GNJ Clergy and Congregational Leaders,
When I saw the $5 contribution, my heart skipped a beat.
I knew the donor and their circumstances. Their gift was every bit of the widow’s mite (Luke 21:1-4). It’s not the size of the gift that matters, but the depth of the sacrifice behind it.
We all have made important contributions and sacrifices over the last several years. It has not gone unnoticed. I am deeply grateful for all you and your congregation are doing to share faith and love.
In Tanzania, every day is marked by sacrifice, and we have a remarkable opportunity to make a substantial impact. Here is what I am asking: Each of our congregations to take an offering over the weekend of December 9-10, 2023 (or another Sunday during December) for the Tanzania Fund to spread faith and love around the world.
When Nia heard her call to ministry, it was to spread faith and love in some of the most challenging environments. She serves in conditions where parishioners draw water from wells and walk miles to attend church amidst widespread poverty. Her husband recently told her that he could no longer support her calling and left her. Last year, she received $63 for serving as a pastor.
Through the Tanzania Development Fund, you will help to bring 80 clergy salaries up to a living wage for the next two years. We will also build a new church to reach more disciples of Jesus Christ and serve the community.
When you support the Fund you not only spread faith and love, but you support families. You and your church can make a difference by being a part of a giving circle. No gift is too large or too small. Our youth at the Ignite Conference raised $5000 for the Tanzania Development Fund – spreading faith and love around the world. Our GNJ staff have given $18.058 toward the $100,000 goal.
We invite you to participate in one of the following circles:
- The Miracle Circle – Congregations who give an average of $100 or more per worshiper or individuals/families that give $5,000 or more.
- The Hope Circle – Congregations who give an average of $61 – $99 or more per worshiper or individuals/families that give $2,000-4,999.
- The Faith Circle – Congregations who give an average of $25-$60 or more per worshiper or individuals/families that give $500-1,999.
- The Love Circle – Congregations who give an average of $5-$25 or more per worshiper or individuals/families that give $25-$499.
You can give through your congregation or go to www.gnjumc.org/fortanzania to make a personal contribution.
What is my congregation being asked to do?
- Pray for the people of Tanzania.
- Share one or more of the stories below.
- Play the video below prior to taking the offering or email it to the congregation.
- Take a special offering on December 10 (or another Sunday that better meets your congregation’s schedule).
By following these four simple steps, we can exceed our goal. Many congregations have already started, setting a strong example. Will you join them?
- Unity In Christ UMC, a new church start and the first to make a contribution.
- Sparta UMC
- Calvary Korean UMC
- Ignite UMC
- Park UMC, Bloomfield
- St. Paul’s Centenary UMC, Newark
- UMC in Orange
- Delmont UMC
- South Seaville UMC
- Titusville UMC
- Springfield Covenant UMC
- Friendship Finley UMC
- Hightstown UMC
- Marlton UMC
Together we will reach our goal and spread faith and love.
Thank you. Do not forget to see the resources below.
#For Tanzania Campaign Resources:
Video #1 with Eric Drew to play during your church service
Video #2 with Rev. William D. Carter III to play during your church service
Editable and print-ready bulletin inserts for December 10’s special offering (six inserts, each with a story of Tanzania)
Breakthrough Worship Series: Liturgy, graphics, talking points, worship videos, and more!
If you have any issues or questions regarding accessing the #ForTanzania Campaign resources, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Director of Communications James Lee at jlee@gnjumc.org.
All Your #ForTanzania Resources HERE
Keep the faith!
Bishop John Schol
The United Methodists of
Eastern Pennsylvania & Greater New Jersey
BishopJohnSchol@epaumc.church | 484-474-0939
BishopJohnSchol@gnjumc.org | 732-359-1010
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