Donate to IGNITE Scholarships

September 5, 2023 | | GNJ News, Next Generation Ministries

Some churches are blessed with vibrant youth communities, while others yearn for young voices echoing in their halls. But what if your church can play a part in kindling that fire, even if you don’t have young members?

Introducing IGNITE scholarships. Everyone, anyone can help youth from everywhere to experience the life-transformative power of the IGNITE youth conference.

IGNITE is more than just an annual weekend event. It is a movement, building up a generation united in their love for Jesus.

Your generous donation can spark that unity and help more young folks know that they Belong. That’s the theme for our IGNITE 2023 gathering—a theme that speaks to the isolation many feel and the loving community and inspiring faith our youth need.

Join us in making IGNITE 2023 an unforgettable encounter for all our youth. Donate to IGNITE scholarships today. Be a beacon of hope and see the ripple effect of your generosity for generations to come.

Learn more about IGNITE scholarships.  Learn more about IGNITE 2023.  View and share the Ignite Scholarships video.