A Word of Hope

October 27, 2020 | Deepen Faith

A recent reading shared by Rev. Eusun Kim, pastor of St. Andrew’s UMC of Spring Lake, from Henri J.M. Nouwen’s “With Open Hands” deeply resonated with Northern Shore District Superintendent Gina Hendrickson, prompting her to write:

“During COVID-19 my soul work and prayer life has been disrupted, and I’ve never felt more spiritually dry than I have for these past seven months. Nouwen’s words have been balm for my soul and ignited my prayer life.

As I enter my second reading through this powerful book on prayer, I share with you words that I hope renew your soul as they have mine.

Henri Nouwen writes,
The immense difference that exists between hope and wishfulness is revealed in the remarks of a student who wrote: “I see hope as an attitude where everything stays open before me. Not that I don’t think of my future in those moments, but I think of it in an entirely different way. Daring to stay open to whatever will come to me today, tomorrow, two months from now, or a year from now—that is HOPE. To go fearlessly into things without knowing how they’ll turn out, to keep on going, even when something doesn’t work the first time, to have trust in whatever you’re doing—that is living with hope!” (With Open Hands, p. 72)

My brothers and sisters, I have seen this Holy Spirit breathed–HOPE over and over again in each of your churches during this pandemic. You inspire me with hope and courage. May we keep drawing upon the life-giving Spirit of God with open hands to receive the abundant blessings that come from our God!

Daring to stay open for whatever will come my way!”