Order of Elders
The Order of Elder will be more fruitful if we...
Participate annually in a gathering of elders in the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference (GNJAC) for the purpose of encouragement and accountability in the pursuit of Christian Perfection.
In order to create a place of mutual support and trust, We promise to:
- Pray for one another and agree to be supportive of one another’s ministries by acts of both intention and restraint. By intention, through public prayer and means of communication that offer support. By restraint, through avoidance of collegial gossip or other such acts which tear down each other’s ministries.
- Be intentional about nourishing our spiritual lives and encouraging others to do so. This can be done through participation in the means of grace: Study of Scripture, Prayer, Fasting, Holy Communion and Conferencing.
- In Conferencing, find ways to connect collegially by understanding our ordination within the Wesleyan tradition. The Order of Elder is unique to the ministry of the church. Our distinctive Wesleyan heritage enables us to be set apart as leaders which the church needs. The Elder is ordained to the ministry of Word, Service, Sacrament, and Order. Therefore, it is important and necessary for these unique attributes of this office to be explored, understood, and celebrated.
Ways this may be achieved is by:
- Attending functions that will edify our need for further theological reflection and enhance needed leadership skills. It is crucial that those who belong to theOrder of Elders continue to strive to link knowledge and vital piety.
- Meetings should revolve around the historic questions asked at our ordination (¶327) and the General Rules (¶101).
- Further conversation should include methods that will strengthen the mission of the church and support our common ministry.
It is also the intention to:
- Have Order of Elders meetings by regions.
- Have Order of Elders representatives by District.
- Facilitate Discussion board/ virtual meetings – to address new and or updated situations affecting ministry – changes in Discipline. And other General conference decisions.
Elders will be encouraged to meet twice per year – for Fellowship and discussion of issues of concern.
Upcoming Events
Order of Elders October Spiritual Mini-Retreats
We join together in Spiritual Practices as means to refresh ourselves and connect with God. Time away, time with our Savior is important for our wellbeing. These retreats are being offered by Peter Jamieson.
For more information, contact Rev. Luana Cook Scott of Morristown UMC at lcookscott@morristownumc.org.
Check out our website for up-to-date information on our monthly Spiritual Mini-retreats and other upcoming events! www.ooelders.org