Commission on Religion and Race
COVID- 19 Racial Disparities
The racial disparities in both the infection and death rate due to COVID 19 is alarming. Some United Methodist pastors are on the front lines and are addressing the impact of COVID – 19 and racialized disparities daily. You may be a pastor who’s intimately experiencing this inequity in life threatening way with your congregations. You may be a major distribution center associated with the UMC during this time.
In an effort to help identify resources for communities that are suffering the most at this critical time, GNJ-CORR has researched and discussed the following possibilities:
1. Distributing masks: Churches coordinating their distribution in churches and food banks.
2. Making sure everyone knows where food banks are for their constituencies.
3. Making sure that culturally sensitive and multi-lingual educational materials are out there in some of our neighborhoods.
4. Addressing routines and rituals
Founded in 1968, this commission works to bridge gaps and facilitate understanding and an end to inequality in societal and cultural relationships. They also provide resources towards building competent leaders, and engage the church in honest and direct conversations for a just church and world. Learn more.
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