Miracles Everywhere
Update on Miracles Everywhere Campaign as of 2022 Annual Conference
In 2018, GNJ embarked upon the God-sized vision captured in the Miracles Everywhere Campaign. With an initial goal of $5.1M, we committed to local, regional, and global miracles, including:
- $3,197,000 to cultivate the next generation of disciples
- $1,000,000 to extend A Future With Hope
- $250,000 to assist in hurricane recovery in the US
- $250,000 to assist in hurricane recovery in Puerto Rico
- $500,000 for a Hope Center in Tanzania
- $1,000,000 for people and communities affected by the pandemic
Through the generosity and leadership of local churches, we truly saw God working Miracles Everywhere! Together, we relaunched Summer Camp ministries and saw IGNITE grow 150%.
Together, over 30 Hope Centers are transforming their communities across GNJ, including The Maker’s Place, food pantries and social service organizations. Together, we exceeded our goals for hurricane recovery and gave over $1M to UMCOR. Together, we led 2 Local Pastor’s Schools in Tanzania, with over 300 participants. Together we invested in food insecurity and unemployed families during the COVID-19 pandemic.
As of December 30, 2021, the Miracles Everywhere Campaign concluded. Below is a table summarizing the monies collected and distributed toward the goals above:

Thank you for your investment in the work of God locally, regionally, and globally. Together, we pray and continue to be active participants in God’s work of bringing Miracles Everywhere.
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