Bradley Beach Court Case Settled

June 5, 2019 | GNJ News

The Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association (OGCMA) and United Methodists of Greater New Jersey (GNJ) have agreed to an out of court settlement concerning the First United Methodist Church of Bradley Beach property. OGCMA will make a donation to GNJ and GNJ will not contest the legality of a reverter clause in the original deed from the 1800’s.

A new United Methodist house church has emerged in Bradley Beach to maintain and continue a United Methodist ministry and presence in the community. Click here to read more about house churches.  House churches build on a first century church model in which people gather for church in a home. Presently there are 11 worshipers who gather. Out of the model in Bradley Beach, GNJ may begin other house churches throughout GNJ. House churches are a welcoming point for people who are new to church or like smaller intimate settings to gather with other believers. One of the benefits of a house church is that money is not invested in a building but people, ministry and mission. House churches also tend to be lay led.

You can read more about house churches by clicking here.